About Me

I'm about 11 years old. I've got a strong interest in dinosaurs and stuff, nothin' special just a kid.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Calle's is sick I'm sick the whole family is sick.

I guess it's gonna be pills and prayers for the rest of the week.

Friday, November 30, 2007


As homework I have to write a story. I thought you might want to see it.


Deep in the dark forest, there lived a young owl. His amnesia was caused by a log falling in his direction.. Clueless of his name, because of his accident, he asked the tree, which he was perched on.. The tree simply answered, " ..." .

" That can't be my name!" , screamed the owl. Seeing a nearby mouse, he asked him, " Can you tell me my name?"


" That don't make any sense." , he mumbled as he looked over to see a lost cell-phone.

Suddenly it went off bleeping. " BEAP! BEAP! BEAP! BEAP! BEAP!!!"

As the owl flew away he thought " I can't believe he kisses his mother with that mouth!", Next he saw a bear who just tried to eat him. He asked a leaf that flew away from him. He asked a squirrel which bounced on his head for half an hour straight. He asked a tornado which Carried him all over and dropped him next to a fellow owl. The young owl asked him his name. " Whoo.", " Me", " Whoo!", " ME!" " WHOO!!", " MEEE!", " WHOOOOO!!!!!", "MEEEE!!!!!" "Your name is Whoo, you insolent, big-beaked, bird!!', the old owl screamed. "Oh., whats my name again?"

The End

(well, sort of!)

I know it's kind of jumbly.

Friday, March 23, 2007



Hey guys!!! I haven't posted in about a year!! Thats because I forgot my password (I can really be a dummy somtimes) but my dad and I managed to fix it so back to posting!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The answer

did you guess my riidle? well here`s the answer! Dum dum dum dum dum. the answer is the moon! um. okay.

Monday, August 01, 2005


I`m going on a trip to Erie for the week. My cousin`s live there. So I won`t be posting for the week. Has anybody ever been to Erie before. I have! And I loved it! other than the lake. I`m afraid of open water. so by anyway!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Ouch! Guess what just happened! Just so you know brother and my uncle were playing football. Anyway I was taking pictures and suddenly I was hit in the head with a football! BTW I already had a baaaaaaaaaaaaad headache!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Do you have an aunt Arctica? Well I`m sure I don`t. When I grow up remind me to name my daughter Artica. So for once sombody will have an Aunt named Arctica.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Here`s a riddle for ya. What`s sometimes full but never empty? I`ll give you chance to think about it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Summer is cool. We all jump in the pool. Kicking and splashing and acting like a fool. If Mom would try to translate that it would probobly sound like this. summer is hot. we all die of heat. screaming and geting sunburn. and thriving for water. So dosn`t that show that Mom dosn`t like summer?.

Which of these have you acheived?

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